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The Blue Fish Apartment has moved to artofdpx.com. Go here for details on why.

Welcome one and all to the official gallery, Artwork of DeadPhoenX!

It's been a long time coming. For the longest I've hosted my artwork on third-party art sites like DeviantArt and Pixiv. However with 10 years of doing artwork, I've been thinking of opening my own site where I could host my own artwork wihout limitations on content or for others needing to login to view it. There were many platforms to choose from, most popular among many artists being Tumblr. However, I was never really fond of the community on Tumblr. I did however like Pixiv's community tremendously, which many are located within Japan. The freedom of content I could upload there was also great (though Tumblr edges them out in the genital censorship area, of which that law isn't enforced on Tumblr).

This wanting to find a good community and a site where I could upload anything I want and was adult content friendly led me to FC2. I was actually aware of FC2 for several years, manly from their video service. Over time I've also encountered artists who had either blogs or full websites on FC2. And so, I decided that my new official home would be hosted by FC2. Any new artwork I make will be posted here first. Then Pixiv, then DeviantArt. My twitter followers will be notified of the gallery posting first.

So what can you expect from this gallery in the near future? For starters, I still have more artwork to upload, so you can stay tuned for that. I'll also be sharing some WIPs (Works in Progress) of artwork I'm working on (or already finished). I'd also like to share some tips regarding Pixiv's tagging system and how to best utilize them when uploading artwork. I'll also be posting an FAQ soon on both how I do artwork and things related to the gallery.

While waiting for new artwork to be posted, head on over to the Gallery page and check out some of the artwork I've already done over the years. I've posted artwork from 2014 to now. And for the first time ever, you can see R-18 variants of artwork I've been posting to Pixiv, something you needed a Pixiv account to view. Now you can view them without that barrier of entry!

Tags: artworkanimeイラストアニメ

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Latest Artwork Posted
Moving To A New Apartment - Leaving FC2 And Going Self Hosted Aug 15, 2020
Lost Lineage (Sonia Belmont – Castlevania Legends) Dec 11, 2019
[Commission] Mic Check (Eliza - Skullgirls) Oct 28, 2019
Clash At Neo Hong Kong [Strider ~ Tong Pooh] Aug 12, 2019
[Commission] Piccolo's Last Sacrifice ~ Dragon Ball Z Aug 12, 2019
Sunrise Over Olympus [Helene ~ The Battle of Olympus] Jun 10, 2019
Below The Castle - [Frozen Shade ~ Castlevania] Apr 01, 2019
[Commission] 99th Street Bounce Feb 25, 2019
Sophia Rayleigh ~ Mach Breakers [Request Raffle Winner] Feb 06, 2019
11.11 ~ Pocky Day 2018 Nov 11, 2018
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